Pyramid Solitaire

FreeCell Game​

Pyramid Solitaire is a captivating and challenging solitaire card game that has gained popularity among players of all ages. With its unique pyramid-shaped tableau and engaging gameplay, Pyramid Solitaire offers an enjoyable and strategic experience for those seeking a fun and rewarding card game. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the rules, strategies, variations, and gameplay of Pyramid Solitaire, providing you with valuable insights to enhance your understanding and enjoyment of this captivating game.

Pyramid Solitaire Rules

Before diving into the strategies and tips for winning Pyramid Solitaire, it is crucial to grasp the fundamental rules of the game. Pyramid Solitaire is typically played with a standard deck of 52 playing cards. The objective is to remove all the cards from the pyramid-shaped tableau by pairing cards whose values add up to 13. Kings are valued at 13 and can be removed individually. Here are the key rules to keep in mind:

Pyramid Formation: The game begins with a pyramid formation made up of 28 cards. Each row of the pyramid contains the corresponding number of cards, with the top row having one card and the bottom row consisting of seven cards.

Stock Pile: The remaining cards that are not part of the pyramid are placed face-down in a stock pile. From the stock pile, you can draw cards one at a time and play them if they are not covered by other cards.

Discard Pile: As you draw cards from the stock pile, they are placed face-up in a discard pile. You can cycle through the discard pile three times, after which it is no longer accessible.

Allowed Moves in Pyramid Solitaire

To successfully clear the pyramid and win the game, you must be familiar with the allowed moves in Pyramid Solitaire. Here are the key moves you can make during the game:

Pairing: You can pair cards whose values add up to 13. For example, an Ace (valued at 1) can be paired with a Queen (valued at 12), a 2 can be paired with an 11, and so on.

King Removal: Kings are unique in Pyramid Solitaire. They can be removed individually as they have a value of 13 and do not require pairing.

Stock Pile and Discard Pile: You can draw cards from the stock pile one at a time and play them if they are not covered by other cards. When you cannot make any more moves or need to access a new card, you can turn over the top card of the discard pile.

Strategies for Winning Pyramid Solitaire

While Pyramid Solitaire involves an element of luck due to the initial layout of the cards, implementing effective strategies can significantly increase your chances of winning. Here are some strategies to consider:

Focus on Uncovering Cards: In the initial stages of the game, prioritize uncovering the cards that are partially covered by others. This allows you to create more potential pairs and open up more options for future moves.

Utilize Kings Wisely: Kings can be powerful tools in Pyramid Solitaire. Look for opportunities to remove them early in the game, as they can free up valuable space in the pyramid and create more pairing possibilities.

Plan Ahead: Think strategically and plan your moves in advance. Consider the consequences of each move and how it may affect your future options. Avoid making moves that limit your choices in later stages of the game.

Reserve Cards in Stock Pile: When drawing cards from the stock pile, try to reserve cards that may be useful later in the game. Holding onto cards that can potentially form pairs or open up new opportunities can be advantageous in critical moments.

Time and Moves in Pyramid Solitaire

Pyramid Solitaire is not only about clearing the pyramid; it also challenges players to complete the game within a certain timeframe or number of moves. The number of moves you make and the time it takes to complete the game can be tracked and used to compare your performance or challenge yourself to improve. However, it is important to note that the primary goal of the game is to clear the pyramid, and time and move constraints are optional additions to the gameplay.

Pyramid Solitaire​

Variations of Pyramid Solitaire

Pyramid Solitaire has numerous variations, each offering a unique twist on the original gameplay. These variations introduce new rules, layouts, or challenges, adding depth and diversity to the game. Here are a few popular variations of Pyramid Solitaire:

Tri-Peaks: Tri-Peaks Pyramid Solitaire is a variant where the pyramid is arranged in the shape of three overlapping peaks. Players can remove cards by pairing them with a card that is one rank higher or lower. The objective is to clear all the cards from the tableau.

Scarab Solitaire: Scarab Solitaire is a variant that incorporates Egyptian-themed graphics and gameplay. In addition to the standard rules of Pyramid Solitaire, Scarab Solitaire introduces special scarab cards that can be paired with any other card, regardless of its value.

Double Pyramid: Double Pyramid is a variant where two pyramids are formed, creating a more complex and challenging layout. Players must clear both pyramids by pairing cards that add up to 13. This variation requires careful planning and strategic thinking.

About Pyramid Solitaire

Pyramid Solitaire is an engaging card game that has captured the interest of players around the world. Its simple yet strategic gameplay, coupled with its distinct pyramid-shaped tableau, sets it apart from other solitaire variations. Understanding the gameplay and applying effective strategies can enhance your enjoyment and increase your chances of success in Pyramid Solitaire. Whether you are a seasoned solitaire player or new to the world of card games, Pyramid Solitaire offers a refreshing and stimulating experience.

Learn the Gameplay of Pyramid Solitaire

To get started with Pyramid Solitaire, all you need is a standard deck of 52 playing cards and a flat surface to lay out the tableau. Follow these steps to begin your Pyramid Solitaire adventure:

Getting Started with Pyramid Solitaire

  1. Set Up the Pyramid: Shuffle the deck of cards thoroughly and lay out the pyramid-shaped tableau. The top row should have one card, followed by two cards in the second row, three cards in the third row, and so on, until the seventh row, which consists of seven cards.
  2. Locate the Stock Pile and Discard Pile: Separate the remaining cards from the deck into a stock pile and a discard pile. Place the stock pile face-down and the discard pile face-up next to it.
  3. Understand the Objective: The goal of Pyramid Solitaire is to remove all the cards from the tableau by pairing them up so that their values add up to 13. Kings can be removed individually as they have a value of 13.

Tips to Improve Your Chances of Winning Pyramid Solitaire

Build Towards High-Value Cards: Aim to create pairings that involve high-value cards early in the game. For example, pairing a King (valued at 13) with a 2 or an Ace (valued at 1) with a Queen (valued at 12) can be advantageous. This strategy maximizes the number of cards you can remove with a single pairing.

Uncover Key Cards Strategically: Analyse the pyramid and identify cards that are crucial for potential pairings. Strategically uncovering these cards can significantly increase your chances of success. Prioritize uncovering cards that are blocking important pairs or have the potential to open up new pairing opportunities.

Create Card Chains: Look for card chains within the pyramid where multiple cards can be paired consecutively. Identify sequences of cards that add up to 13 and plan your moves accordingly to create chains that lead to multiple card removals in a single turn.

Leave Options Open: Maintain flexibility in your moves by leaving multiple pairing options available. Avoid closing off potential pairs too early in the game, as this limits your choices and may hinder your progress. Keep as many pairing possibilities open as possible to increase your chances of success.

Pyramid Solitaire Game Information

Goal and Layout in Pyramid Solitaire

The goal of Pyramid Solitaire is to clear the tableau, a pyramid-shaped formation of cards, by pairing cards that add up to 13 or by removing Kings individually. The layout of the tableau consists of 28 cards arranged in seven rows. The first row has one card, the second row has two cards, the third row has three cards, and so on, until the seventh row, which has seven cards.

How to Play Pyramid Solitaire

Start the Game: Begin by removing any Kings from the tableau and placing them aside. These Kings are considered cleared cards and create empty spaces in the pyramid.

Look for Pairs: Examine the remaining cards in the tableau and identify pairs of cards that add up to 13. For example, an Ace (valued at 1) can be paired with a Queen (valued at 12), a 2 can be paired with an 11, and so on.

Remove the Pairs: Once you identify a pair of cards whose values add up to 13, remove them from the tableau. The removed cards are placed aside and are considered cleared cards.

Uncover Covered Cards: As you remove cards from the tableau, previously covered cards will be revealed. These newly uncovered cards can be paired with other cards to create additional matches.

Utilize the Stock Pile: If you cannot make any more moves with the cards in the tableau, you can draw cards from the stock pile. Each time you draw a card, assess if it can be paired with any existing cards or if it can help uncover more cards in the tableau.

Cycle through the Discard Pile: If you exhaust the stock pile and still cannot make any moves, you can cycle through the discard pile up to three times. After the third cycle, the discard pile is no longer accessible, and you must rely on the remaining cards in the tableau to continue the game.

Winning Tips for Pyramid Solitaire

Avoid Unnecessary Moves: Be mindful of making unnecessary moves that do not contribute to uncovering new cards or creating pairs. Each move should have a purpose and bring you closer to clearing the pyramid. Minimize unnecessary actions to conserve moves and maximize your efficiency.

Reassess the Pyramid: Periodically reassess the pyramid formation and reevaluate your strategy. As the game progresses, the pyramid changes shape as cards are removed, and new cards become available. Stay adaptable and adjust your approach based on the evolving layout of the pyramid.

Manage the Stock Pile: Use the stock pile strategically to your advantage. Draw cards from the stock pile when they can be paired with existing cards or help uncover new ones. Avoid drawing cards without a clear purpose, as this may limit your options later in the game.

Stay Calm and Focused: Pyramid Solitaire can be a challenging game, but maintaining a calm and focused mindset is essential. Avoid rushing through moves or making impulsive decisions. Take your time, analyse the options, and make deliberate moves that align with your overall strategy.


What’s the origin story of Pyramid Solitaire?

The exact origin of Pyramid Solitaire is unclear, as the game’s history has been lost to time. However, it is believed to have emerged in the early 20th century. The game gained popularity in the 1980s when it was included in various computer software packages, exposing it to a wider audience.

Why do you add to 13 in Pyramid Solitaire?

In Pyramid Solitaire, you add cards together to reach a total value of 13 because the game’s objective is to pair cards whose values add up to 13. This rule adds an element of strategy and challenge to the game, as you need to identify and select pairs of cards that meet this requirement.

Does Pyramid Solitaire have a strategy?

Yes, Pyramid Solitaire involves strategic thinking and decision-making. While luck plays a role due to the initial layout of the cards, implementing effective strategies can significantly increase your chances of winning. Planning your moves, prioritizing card uncovering, and utilizing Kings wisely are some key strategies to employ in Pyramid Solitaire. However, it is important to note that each game is unique, and adaptability is crucial as you assess the specific circumstances and available options during gameplay.